Thursday 22 September 2011


sustainability has hit an all time high, as the development of kinetic infrastructure to absorb our human motion. creating power from the smallest of actions.

in my minor, sustainability, my research paper outlined the benifits and characteristics of the technology for integration into the local town square or mall.
"Even more advanced through foot traffic is the project POWERleap It was first showcased in 2007; it converts the wasted energy from human foot traffic into electricity on a large scale. The individual tile utilizes piezoeletric technology and advanced circuitry design, which converts “pitter-patter” into power. Individual footsteps wont produce enough energy but on a wide scale, crowded streets the total kinetic energy adds up quickly." (ward, 2011)

the so-called “piezoelectric ribbons” are made up of organic lead zirconate titanate nanoribbons placed on silicone rubber sheets. When the sheets flex generating electricity by turning mechanical (kinetic) energy into electrical energy. Current researches are trying to produce a larger scaled sheet for commercial use. This development could future proof our laneways and curbsides changing technology reliance appliances from traditional batteries to energy generating rubber sheets.

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