Sunday 28 August 2011


Dandelion Urban Gnome

Davor posted on black board the outline to what form of architectural distribution we are to examine and make benefit australian parliament building/connection/icon. I say these three possibilities to outline the futuristic approach needed be taken for the benefit of the australian people. 
"This studio will explore and create a proposition, based on DISTRIBUTED approach. How, why, where, when and what, will be the questions we will try to answer. But our foremost goal will be to explore and understand the history of this country, forcing political engagement, democracy, decision making and trying to predict our vision as architects for the future."
what are we to look for but what is already there. the idea behind our design approach is not to make a more functional building hence the common expression, "form follows function", but to design the way the people approach, connect and can interact with their government. architecture has been designed in the past to the buildings approach to the function. where as, the architecture needs to follow peoples interaction and function. designing for the impact of that into architecture could change and future-proof the nations politics. 
“By incorporating a variety of views there is greater opportunity for a successful outcome”.
 Are we ready?

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