Thursday 10 November 2011


Some feedback from the presentation which I will try to address for submission of this blog:

- the idenitiy of the mobile was carried accross well just not detailed enough...


the final [single board] of the design semester. the board does portary the entire entity that is APEC though is describes the uniqness and the iconic nature of it's identity.

Friday 4 November 2011


in each and every building the use of light is a characteristic involved in the presence and interaction of a building. through the HDR time lapse video you can understand that it can also influence the perception of space and can be measured  physically through interaction.  


is this the future for energy generation due to the non-discrete nature of the photovoltaic cells. what happened to the streamline and fundamental building practices of architects and those that integrate power with you and I. to be cheesy, "with great power, comes great responsibility" - spidermans' grandad.


isn't that what it is all about - the build-a-bility of an object that is recognised throughout the australian people, harnessing that identity is concept this project was undertaken with.


powerLEAp inergrated into the existing town squares utilising the supress foot traffic.

solar panels designed by system photonics out of italy will work well with the light weight roofing structure. 


the retractable auditorium can emulate the simple connection between the upper and lower area. the idea is to capture the public and private nature of the impromptu performances and seminars providing education and enjoyment for all australians




interactive verandah
glasses [to activate the private glass screen]

Thursday 3 November 2011


interactive display 


•political updates 
•live updates 
•indicates power usage from sustainable energy sources

casual seating | group seating
interactive casual seating
talking to the MP

 exhibition | display

blank wall
exhibition of local art

voting booth | display

voting booth
place for tutoring| studying

workshop | bar

workshop | bar
model making
food| drinks


the thought of engaging 20 million people in a parliamentry function is a challenge but one worth exploring. just the mere fact of the population should excite one another. the use of this individualism is bound by unity in its strength of the masses. i found the below stand in relation to mecca in the last week of assessment. the idea portrayed through similar ideals has the appeal of a vanishing horizon, to seem transpanent for the millions of people traveling to mecca to find relegion and peace. the structure below can be taken in both contexts but which is more appealing to the australian people, for which the people it is design for...


Tuesday 1 November 2011

MP's and their OFFICE

in the current standard of local government practice, everyone will not aquire an audience with the MP. the knowledge of the MP can not be access via any internet server or interactive display, just a secretary that turns you away and makes an appointent yonks away.

the utilization of this entity APEC [Australian Political Education Centre] is to determine the impact of government in local + regional areas. using this structure to house 24|7 the accessable information that can be granted at the touch of a finger wll increase education and improve the relationship between the people and their spokeperson as it has been lost for many years.

the partitions for the lower half of the structure, integrating the public people with the on|off private setting of the Local MP's office. the idea is that the MP walks around as a free agent gaining information and replying with his beliefs. the idea of this structure is to give the ability to communitcate with the local MP, who inturn communicates through the technology of the partitions to the government house. where dicussion can be monitored via the link between the private interactive verandah or the partitions.





complexities of the three dimensional plotter -

i have done a computer generated model in revit which had to be transfered to 3Ds Max with then had to be beefed up 3x to be scaled down to an appropriate scale - which then transformed into a pile of white dust. i think my model is like a phoenix - it has to die to live - the model is covered in the power the vacumed away to find the model all white and solid. very cool process.

the prototyping is a lengthy process where the model above is design - turned into the STL file, then printed.
the printing needs to then be place in a kiln where the moderate heat hardens the soft powder and glue comination - leaving the ability to carefully blow away any excess powder. 

this is all the easy part - the hard part is the transportation of such a brittle combination of powder and glue to the SUPER GLUING stages. this stage hardens the powder to a rock like state - still brittle but hard enought to hold with confidence. after all this is completed the model returns to the kiln for further hardening and reducing the amount of moister present.

 the final product

Sunday 30 October 2011


the other side of distribution is the mobile initiative to connect all of Australia.

the transformer like trailer is adapt to all situations where it integrate solar energy + the ordinary trailer sizes.

process behind the building is the same as the fixed pavilion - where the spaces and interaction are all similar.

the use of the design will encourage rural areas to provide feedback and recieve information on other concerns for those areas. the building is constructed and deconstructed from a standard semi-trailer. the dimensions are 12m x 2.5m x 4m.

the spaces are all consectuive to the fixed building to achieve the same affects for the rural areas as the higher populated cities.


sustainability is the next level of building development - there has been development in integrating sustainable energy into the buildings roofing systems | flooring systems + wall coverings.

kinetic energy + solar energy

starting off the kinetic energy mentioned prior through the powerLEAP foot power system can produce power through the amount of people pounding the pavement through the town halls and surrounding environments .

the following BIPV is solar panels used in the tiling roofing system - the technology integrates the mono-crystaline solar cell with encapsulants, with a 3mm cermaic tile on the underside and 3.2mm solar tempered glass on  the top. the system functions life any tiling roof while providing aesthetic and sustainable build-ability.